Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

March 13th, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Approved April 10, 2006


Committee Attendees

Jim Goldsmith – Chairperson

Marilyn Z. Kahn

David DePree – Co-Chairperson

Bob Levin

Michael Baskin

Melissa Mills

Craig Edwards

Joel Tran

David Gordon



Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm by Jim Goldsmith.


Meeting Minutes

·         Tran/Baskin moved to accept February 27th minutes as amended. Committee unanimously approved.


Discussion regarding STV Report

1.      Goldsmith anticipates that, at tomorrow’s Board of Selectmen meeting, the Standing Building Committee will ask the Selectmen for input regarding the STV report on the Wilbur School Building and that the BOS will ask the WSRC for their input as well. DePree will attend.

2.      Goldsmith explained that STV tried to be balanced and provide direction with their report. Goldsmith’s opinion is that there is no viable solution to save the building and that it needs to come down.

3.      Baskin explained that the report identifies three basic options, but there is a fourth option—allowing for a minimum amount of repair to safely abate the building and leaving it open to the weather elements, costing approximately $820,000 ($70,000 more than allotted at the November 2005 Town Meeting). The increase may be attributed to the buildings rapid deterioration (water is seeping into the multi layer construction, mortar joints are deteriorating, cracks are opening, and moisture is causing freezing and expansion).

4.      Gordon said that the main objective for the committee in the short run has shifted from redeveloping the building and site to abating the building safely.  Unless there is some way to ensure safety, he does not think that leaving the building open to the elements would be advisable. Tran iterated that the cost projected by STV is only an estimate and that the project would be put out to bid.

5.      Baskin stated that limited stabilization and abatement (what he meant by a fourth option), is not realistic. He feels that if the building is abated and not stabilized, we will not see a developer response to our RFP in time to preserve what will remain of the building. If the building is taken down there will be more opportunity for development. The property can be planned with more care. Baskin would recommend tearing down the building; Levin agreed that a clean site would be more attractive to a developer.

6.      The committee discussed the various costs contained within the report and agreed that abatement should proceed. DePree thought that demolition could wait; Baskin was concerned that after abatement without stabilization it will continue to deteriorate (at a more rapid rate, as there will be no roof) and become more of a liability for the Town. He also believes the Town has limited insurance liability on the site.

7.      Edwards stated that the Historical Commission needs to be involved if we are discussing demolition. Edwards is in favor of clearing the site.

8.      Kahn also does not believe that saving the building is a viable option but reminded the committee that we have an obligation to build something attractive which is environmentally sound.

9.      Baskin stated that there has been a dramatic loss in the value of the building in the past 5 years. We have reached the cross-over point and it is too late.

10.  Gordon pointed out that the  committee has explored many creative ideas which

can be factored into development. A special concern would be to use    environmentally friendly methods to treat water on the site and, perhaps, from neighboring properties. He added that the Conservation Commission, Board of Health, and others have been supportive of the committee's efforts in this area and said that future plans for the site should take into account the committee's work on water treatment issues.

11.  Tran suggested two choices: (1) abate the building and stabilize it for about $1,170,000 or (2) abate and demolish the building for about $1.2 million. The downside of stabilizing the building is that it does not occupy a good position on the site, the window fenestration is wrong, and it is not appealing to developers. Tran’s choice is to demolish the building. He cautioned that we wait for the Horsley Witten study, clear the first hurdle of demolishing the building, and then determine how to proceed.

12.   Baskin noted, depending on septic capacity, we may be able to offer more options to the community. Tran agreed and pointed out that, although, the ZBA and the Planning Board will be involved, the WSRC wants oversight and review potential. Gordon said he hopes that the Selectmen would ask the WSRC to stay involved with the project, given that the committee has become so familiar with the issues affecting the site and has developed very creative ideas for redeveloping it.

13.  Baskin explained that there is a critical decision before the Selectmen; they can tell the Standing Building Committee to spend as little as possible and just abate and run the risk of leaving the building open to the weather ($820,000), abate and stabilize ($1,170,000), abate and demolish ($1,260,000), abate and partially demolish saving the front façade ($1,609,000). Every one of the options will require a request for additional funding at Town Meeting. 


Discussion regarding the Horsley Witten Proposal

1.      DePree let the committee know that O’Cain was satisfied with the Horsley Witten proposal to evaluate the water levels. Need to see results and to determine what can be done with the site. DePree stated HW can produce a report within 60 days. The contract is to determine baseline number of gallons that can be absorbed on the site and the capacity of the site to receive groundwater without exacerbating basement flooding.



1.      Gordon/Baskin moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to remove hazardous materials from the Wilber School and subsequently demolish the building. All voted in favor except for DePree who voted against.

2.      Tran/Gordon moved to authorize Goldsmith and DePree to correct minor contract changes within the Horsley Witten contract.  Vote was unanimously in favor of the motion.


Future Meetings

To be determined by committee via email.


Meeting Adjournment

DePree /Tran moved to adjourn meeting at 9:10 pm; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts